Legal Disclaimer


Users are informed that all data provided to Accuratio will be processed by the Accuratio Group as data controllers, respecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


Intellectual Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights incorporated into the Site, the graphic design, computer codes, as well as the distinctive signs and trademarks, text, images, and videos displayed are the property of Accuratio. All rights related to such content are reserved, and express permission must be sought for its use and exploitation from Accuratio.


Disclaimer for Displayed Trademarks

All trademarks, logos, and trade names displayed on the Site are the property of their respective owners and registered trademarks. Their use on this Site does not imply any affiliation or endorsement by Accuratio. Any mention of trademarks is solely to identify the respective products and services and does not imply sponsorship or recommendation by Accuratio.



Accuratio may modify this Legal Notice, Legal Texts, and/or any other contractual text applicable to this Portal without prior notice. Such modifications will take effect upon their publication on the Site. Likewise, Accuratio may terminate or suspend the provision of Portal services at any time, and whenever possible, prior notice will be given through the Site.